Bart Simpson Chalkboard Generator

Friday, May 28, 2010


On Thursday all we did was pretty much nothing except me going to Josh's house. Josh and I plated on the play station three and won by a mile. After that he asked his dad if he could get a Xbox 360 and he got one so he was really happy and he was so happy he almost cried and now he will not keep going on about it and it is so weird! Now he has this Xbox he will not stop playing until he falls asleep. Ouch!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

This is were you can see all the cool things I have done and you can also see what a double decker bus is. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!





On Tuesday I went to go see my cousins and my unties. The dumb thing was that we had two get there in a 2 hour drive that was really boring!! When we got there two hours later we went to go pick up my cousins at school. I had my heellys and that was really cool. When we got home we all had a drink of coke or lift and by then we had to go home to have dinner because it is a 2 hour drive.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


On Monday Dad, Sarah and I went to London on a train. I had to show them the way but they already new so they just wanted me to do it and get better at finding things. The under ground was really big like a airport under ground. To get around London we took a tour to each place we wanted to go... First we went to the museum and on the way they told us to look out for mini elephants because there is 250 mini elephants all around London. At the museum it was really boring so I am not going to tell you a bout it because it is just blah blah blah.

Next we went to The Tower Of London and that was really cool!! There was lots of really cool thing about all the kings and queens. There was a weapon place were you could play with all the weapons and that. There were lots of crowns the they were worth lots and lots money $$! There were ravens that can't fly and if they leave the castle the city will fall, what a heap of lies.

then we went out for dinner at Fridays I had four pints of coke!!! and for dinner I had ribs.After dinner we went to Ripley's believe it or not. There are five floors and one whole floor is a mirror maze!! I had lots of fun and so did Dad and Sarah. It was fun but some things are scary. we had two start at the fifth floor and worked our way down.


On Sunday G came to say good bye and he gave me £50 for my birthday present because we won't see him again:( Later we went to dads friends house. Dad and I had a races for dad's chocolate and I won. After that we had a drink and had a looked around the house, it was pretty cool. We had some dinner and had another drink and some ice-cream. Then we headed back home.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Today we have been making my birthday cake and it took a while. For the eggs we used a big goose egg and it was big. I REALLY liked making the cake and now I can not wait until I decorate
the cake!!!
This is a normal egg and the big egg

And this is the yolk

Saturday, May 22, 2010


On Friday we had a games day. Dad, Sarah and I played a game of cards and me and Dad played a game of Risk. Risk is a really hard game were you have to take over the board by attacking the other player. Dad won :(

After that I went to Josh's house. We had a water fight and then went inside to play the play station three. In the water fight we had cardboard shields and hoses we also had a little amount of water balloons. When Josh went to pick up a water bomb I got him with the hose. He was not happy!! Then he chased me up and down the garden like crazy, then I stopped and ducked so he went flying over me then I ran and ran.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


On Wednesday Grandma and I went to London to get something for my birthday. We got there in a double decker bus. When we got there we spotted a ice-cream truck so I got a ice-cream. Then we went to the toy shop to get me a present. I wanted to get more police Lego and that is what I got. I also got some logo people.

When we got home Owen was starting to walk around the house by himself and Dad got it on video that we put on you tube under Owen Walks! He is now doing lots of walking around the house so that is now over and done with.

At three O-clock I went to Josh's house. We played with my Lego and on the play station three.
It took about half a hour to build the Lego then we just played the computer for a while.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


On Tuesday Dad,Sarah, Owen and I went two Tesco. The cool thing was that we all brought to many chocolate things and chips :) I also brought a football that cost £4. I also had my heeleys on that made be be crazy and go really fast up and down lanes when dad was not looking!

When we got home Dad and I played a game of football with my new football and Owen was watching and got in the way of a couple of great shots. After a while I took my top of because i was hot and then Dad pushed me into a really sharp bush. That was painful:(

Later on I went to my friends house and played chess and play station three. Then he showed me a couple of his rabbits and one looked like a wired dog!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Past two days

From the past two days Sarah, dad, Owen and I went two dad's friends house. The good things were that he had a pool, pool table,darts, a mini bar,good security system and a two storey building with a coll attic.

The next day we went for a long walk around this forest. Along the way I played on my heeleys and on the park and did some hiding and scarring. Owen got REALLY scared :)

That night we went out for dinner. I had spaghetti bolognese and for pudding I had a chocolate pudding thing. After tea I got given a helium balloon and and dad and I sucked up some of the helium and the we started to talk and we had a really funny voice. Later we stayed up to 10:00 at night playing pool and darts. It was so fun!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Weekend

On the weekend I went to my nanny's house, on that day we just went and had a look at her three storey house. After that we went for an 8 mile walk. First we went to this carnival place with go-kart's and bumper boats and everything but I didn't do anything so we went all the way past our house and went to the shop to get a drink. I played on the beach for a little while then I wanted to go all the way back to play on the go-kart's, so we did.

On the way there nanny got pooped on by a bird and that was so funny. After she cleaned herself I went to the go-kart's and they were so fast but the track was so easy!

The next day we went to a wildlife park with lots and lots of animals. My favourite animal would have to be the lions because they tried to get out and when the keeper was near them the lions tried to eat him and they were roaring at him. The good thing was that we brought some food for a picnic and some lollies. The monkeys and apes and all the other monkey things were acting like king kong.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The funeral

On Thursday we had the funeral for great granddad Barwell. The cool thing was that we got there in a limo and my tooth came out with pain and lots of blood. First we had to go to the church for the ceremony. There was singing and the the speeches that my great uncle and untie was doing. After a while it got a bit boring and my legs were hurting coz we were standing for so long.After that we went to burn him and there was more talking and my legs were still hurting.

When we got home we had a party with all the food and drinks we needed.Dad and I played games with the rugby ball like a shooting game that you had two balls a big ball and a small ball. The idea was to get the balls in the bucket and get ten points. The big ball is worth two points and the small ball was worth one point and the winner got a can of coke. The score was 10-6 to me!!

My fav food was pasta with mayonnaise and rum cake but there was a whiskey cake as well. I had lots and lots of fun at the After party

Thursday, May 13, 2010


On Wednesday it was the day before funeral so everyone was getting ready but me, I was just sitting on the lazy boy and watching T.V. until dad was finished. Then we played some games like football and chess witch I won of course.

Everyone else was doing the chairs or tables or sorting out the drinks like wine, beer and fizzy but me , I was beating dad at chess and football.

Sarah and grandma were making all the food and baking all the cakes for the after party. I even got a sneak taste, yummy!! There was a cool little machine for getting the pips out of the yucky olives

Sarah also got me a new cool jersey that she got at Tesco. It is black and white with a little bit of blue.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hey guys, Yesterday dad and I played with the foosball table, Owen also joined in some times and started to interfere.

We also went to Tesco again and I was begging to spend my £10 but dad persuaded me to save it for later when I might need it.

The good thing was that everyone like dad was playing chess,canasta and this new dice game that Robert showed me how to play.

This weekend I might be going to my auntie Jo's house to see all my cousins and stay for two nights.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On Sunday dad, mum and I went to Tesco. Dad brought 4 double deckers and some random ice-cream. I got lollies and this yummy chocolate creamy egg ice-cream, it is mashed up chocolate cream eggs mixed with vanilla ice-cream.

When I played the accordion for my blog, it took so many tries to get it right but in the end I made it.

It has been really busy coz everyone has been organizing the funeral and no can play with me :(


On Monday granddad and I went to pick up Robert ( my Uncle ) from my great aunties, Annette. He had just arrived from Thailand, and dad and I hadn't seen him in 8 years. But first we had to get some petrol and granddad got me a chocolate orange.

When we got there we stayed for a drink and Annette gave me £10 for my birthday present.

After that we went to Costco, which is an absolutely huge shop and sells nearly everything! . Grandma brought me a t-shirt and a 2kg box of lollies that are shaped like football things. I was wearing my heeleys, and the floor was really smooth with no stones to get stuck in my wheels.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Trip

Hey guys, I am here in England I am just going to tell you what we did on the 30 hour trip here.
The first plane we went on only has 19 seats. It was a bumpy ride but it was a great view flying to Auckland. The only down side was it was cloudy, they looked like a cliff.

The food was really nice for a aeroplane meal. My favourite food for breakfast was white chocolate pancakes and for dinner it would have to be spaghetti bolognese, but this was on the bigger plane

We had a bussinett for Owen to sleep in so the T.V came out of the arm rest. I watched Avatar, Transformers, The big bang theory and Two and a half men. I played lots and lots of games like hang man and who wants to be a million air. I had a competition with dad and lost by one point. there was also a air show about where we were and everything else and the good thing was that Owen was being a good monkey

At L.A we had to stop for about 3 hours but we got free food and fizzy dad and I played card games like Monopoly deal. We had to get our hands scanned.

When we got to England we drove past London eye, Tower of London and the best the Buckingham Palace but I was asleep :(