Bart Simpson Chalkboard Generator

Monday, June 7, 2010

Disney Land

When we were at Disney land we did lots of fun things so I am going to tell you what I did. One ride was called space mountain and that was really really fast all the way around this under ground place were all you could see was stars and it was so fun. Another one was called THE HAUNTED MANSION!!!! It is were you walk around this house and the was a hanging man and then boo!! You were at a start of a ride and you could see ghosts and floating thing like chairs head and all of a sudden you her a loud scream and then it goes dark. It was so so so scary!!! The dum thing was that we could not take Owen on any of the rides so one of the adults had to go and one had two stay with Owen but I did get two go's on every ride!!.Another ride was about Indiana Jones were there were all these holograms that a big rock ball was coming and ran you over and rocks falling from the roof.Another cool won was Pirates of the Caribbean and the weird thing was that you were a loud to take a baby and there were gun shots and big drops and Owen got really really scared and he stared to cry his eyes out. Sarah's favorite was this train ride that went really fast and it was fun and not that scary. Dads favorite was called bobsleigh and that really fast and there was water falls were you in and outside a huge mountain. Owen's favorite was It is a small World and having our photo taken with Mickey Mouse. My favorite ride was called splash mountain, it is were you go up and do a mini drop and then go up a bit more then last time and do a mini drop and then get really high and then drop and just to let you know that we were in a boat floating on water and we got sos so wet!!!!!! We stayed up to watch this light show and the fire works and the show was this light show on water with big ships coming past and every thing. The fire works was big and loud and i am really shocked that Owen was a sleep during the fire works so that was great!! I also got some toys like a pin set that has seven different pins, a hat and some club penguin things.

A different place we went two was the adventure park but we did only two rides because it was so small. One ride was called California screaming. It was a really really really fast roller coaster with a loop d loop it was really fun. The other ride was this big water one were you went around drops and even get hit by a water blaster thing and that was really all we did at this place. There was also a parade with all the Disney characters in it but we did not watch it all

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